
Hello world!!!

We all have moments where we might feel like we're standing on the outside, looking in back at ourselves and wondering, "what the heck are you doing still sitting there?!?!?!" 

Today marked the GAJILLIONTH time that has happened to me this year (not to count the uber-billions of times last year). Basically, what I'm getting at is that I have zero excuses to not be tapping away at this computer, writing out my thoughts, feelings, observations, blah, blah...oh, and my eats. Let's not forget about the foooooooood. 

So it's been a good long while since my whoppin' TWO whole previous posts, which in all honesty were my "trial" runs with this whole blogging thing. I guess this is my inaugural post? And to honor my "coming out of my shell" and exposing myself to the world in ways that have nearly paralyzed me by the mere thought of it, I find it befitting that I share my recent attempts to conquer another previous source of paralysis....water submersion. Yes folks, this crazy Kat avoided water for pretty much the majority of her adult life thus far. And no, showers don't count! I shower, people! I just have this ongoing, inexplicable "thing" with being in actual water. That means I've dodged baths, pools, jacuzzis, lakes, and yes, the good ol' wide open oceans where sharks roam freely and indiscriminately. Well, I'm pretty proud of myself because in the past two weeks alone I have swam in a pool, gone down a water slide (TWICE!), and...get ready for this....dangled beside a boat in the OPEN WATERS OF THE PACIFIC like an afternoon snacky bite for Mr. Sharky Shark. I recognize I'm no Janet Evans, but this my Olympic gold moment for now. Evidence below. 

This is a grown-up water slide, right?

This is a grown-up water slide, right?

The far side of heaven

The far side of heaven

Sharks don't smell fear, right?

Sharks don't smell fear, right?